Fwd: Konferenca Študentske sekcije SDS v TS

Da: *Rada Lečič *
Oggetto: Konferenca Študentske sekcije SDS v TS

Študentska sekcija Slavističnega društva Slovenije letos že osmič
organizira mednarodni Simpozij mladih slavistov – tokrat z nekoliko
prenovljeno podobo in novim imenom – Philoslavica. Vljudno vas prosimo, da
obvestilo predate tistim študentom in mladim doktorandom, ki bi jih
zanimalo sodelovanje. V priponki pošiljamo tudi vabilo z natančnejšimi

Dear Sir or Madam! Student Section of the Slavic Society of Slovenia is
organizing already its 8th Symposium of Young Slavists – this year with a
new name – Philoslavica. As we would like to reach as many students and
young researchers as possible, we are kindly asking you to forward the
invitation to those, who might be interested in participation. In the
attachment, you can find the Call for papers with more detailed information.